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Friday, June 14, 2013

Day in the life of a dealer in Forex - currency trading market

That the life of a veteran trader in the currency market traders (Forex) is different from the lives of amateur traders. As it spend amounted to four to five hours of his day in front of the Forex trading platform to follow the developments in the economic arena as well as follow-up technical analysis and study, in order to reach conclusions and a clear vision about the future outlook for price movements in the Forex currency trading market.

And this article will take you on a picnic unique in order to recognize the daily life of a veteran forex trader. My goal here is to present the idea that full-time trading is the title of success for forex traders. We will provide in this article a clear picture of things that need to be that you change it or make it from within your daily business routine, to assistant to become a professional trader.

Professional trader knows the psychological conditions that must be met in his personality, including the insistence on the plan during trading, and analyze the maps with the right thinking. This is because the mind and body are connected and have the effect of a large joint, it is necessary for you to make sure your body's access to top form, as well as your mind.

Merchant begins his day with a healthy breakfast, where wakes up early, it starts with your trading routine with the beginning of each day. Regulates the merchants himself to trading companies also do, that the trader does not invest his money randomly or leave any room for chance, so that all steps very carefully considered.

There is another important part of the daily routine for every professional trader is exercise. As traders note that the supporters of the exercise as the first morning activity, see the exercise wonderful way to oxygen flowing to the brain and the body and thus get a better feeling while doing other daily activities. Studies show that people who exercise regularly operate efficiently and effectively their brains more than people who do not engage in physical activity.

Check the markets.

That one of the first things undertaken by the trader in the Forex Trading market every day is a verification of open positions in the previous day. And the use of stop-loss orders in any open trades. Which puts the stop-loss orders and collect the profits, at the levels estimated by after the reading of the fundamental and technical analysis, so as to avoid any potential loss may destroy into bankruptcy during sleep.

Owns forex trader record for periodic updates, reflected in this record of changes in currency rates. This record helps the merchant to find out his mistakes, and thus can overcome them in the future, and this is certainly the boundary between the experienced and amateur traders.

Experienced traders know the date out of the market.

Experienced traders know the value of get themselves out of the market. This matter is considered to be one of the hardest things that novice traders are exposed. This topic may seem a bit strange, but in fact that accurate knowledge at the time of exit is one of the most important things, especially when trading vast amounts of money. In fact, I have been most merchant accounts to damage because of their ignorance of the date out of the market.

In the end, I would say that the veteran traders do not sit all night and not burn his eyes staring at the maps nor in watching small molecules in the forex market. Access to comfort is essential for brain activated by the body and improve the morale of Iqbal strongly on the market and improve morale, time enough for trading is from four to five hours a day, and you should take advantage of the rest of your day in the enjoyment of life.

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