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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Forex - Questions and answers Learn Forex

What is Forex?

The word of foreign origin Forex and Foreign Exchange means any foreign exchange trading, and multiple names for this market in the Arabic language, and these Titles Forex, forex trading, currency trading, currency exchange, but the intent remains one which is Forex. The Forex is a trade stand-alone, the nearest market for them is a market trading stocks and bonds in terms of the trading method and analysis of the market, but there remains a fundamental difference, debauchery Forex Trading - Forex is a market is the exchange of foreign currencies through the pairs and the investor can here buying and selling currency pairs, for example, the euro against the dollar, sterling against the dollar, etc ... Once you go to the ATM in your area and request him to transfer an amount of money from one currency to another You're here entered in this market, but simple.

How can I learn Forex?

Learn Forex is simple, as long as you find the proper source, there are many niche sites publish special articles to learn Forex. That initially carried out through the public reading about this market and then beginning in depth slowly to be able to get all the information relating to market Forex, and should you be doing a timetable through which you can organize your time in reading so far from yourself bored.

How do I open a Forex account to test my abilities?

The answer to this question lies by opening a Forex account demo, this is not difficult once you sign up you can cope easily with this account by downloading trading platform, and you can then trade in money phantom in the situation and the movements of the real market, and therefore, this is a test you helps you to access later to experience Taatmnha and then become eligible whatever sense of the word to open a live Forex account.

What is technical analysis in the Forex market?

Technical analysis helps you to predict the movement of the market in the future, it is by reading the past is read the future, and this is the main base in technical analysis, history repeats itself here. The technical analysis is based on reading the charts of price movements of currency pairs and access to determine support and resistance points expected, and trade based on these results.

What is fundamental analysis in this market?

Fundamental analysis acronym is useful for monitoring the economic events in the world, and to link these events the movement of prices of currency pairs, basic Valthalil is that prices move based on the way that Tmahdha economic events. And the way that the movement of currency pairs is a reaction to the events of the economy.

Which is the most accurate fundamental or technical analysis?

It is not for us to say that one of the smallest of the other Both analyzes has strengths and weaknesses, both big world it is difficult for the person unfamiliarity, that comparison is to compare the analyzes is minutes Vkonna here say: whichever heavier elephant or giraffe longest? Question is illogical because the properties used for comparison is not accurate. Thus, the professional investor depends on both the analyzes in the selection of his decision when dealmaking.

How can I profit from this market?

The profit is through the holding of successful deals, remember that profit is the total net profit of all trades rather than a single transaction. Profit depends heavily on the experience in trading and read a right Forex market, and it will not come out of nowhere you start learning forex, learn technical and fundamental analysis in order to have a chance in this market profit, which contains the largest liquidity between Alasouk of the other financial.

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