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Monday, June 17, 2013

What kind of people, those who succeed in Forex Trading?

If you are browsing regularly or participate in Forex Trading Forums, you'll quickly realize that trade come in all shapes and sizes, and in all walks of life and from all corners of the globe. There are many wonderful stories and sayings in the past highlighted the trade (and the appropriate frequency) and foreign exchange dealer gave the title of "The Merchant of currencies".

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If you ask forex brokers or companies betting loss rate among its customers will tell you it's in the best proportion of the winners will be about twenty percent. When asked recently betting company responsible for the "bankruptcy of his customers" humor replied, "We have at least one or two a day suffer from the bankruptcy of the whole".

It is very difficult to determine what the backgrounds behind the successful traders, and the nature of jobs and professions and qualifications who make a successful trader in Forex Trading and mind to live profession. And if you search for the common denominator would find it very difficult to determine the denominator. This has led us to believe that someone in banks, or in accounting, or a genius in mathematics engineer has the ability to retail forex.

I remember an engineer tried to understand the 'science' behind forex trading, he eventually decided that his skills are not commensurate with the analytical studies of this trade. Arrived to the conclusion that the fast background analytical / logical, are in fact responsible for trading. And the first trade in the analysis begins by looking at the drawing Albyanpi and think about whether there are some mathematical formulas to price movement. This will inevitably lead to mental search for a formula "Holy Grail" which include all the possible scenarios that may occur on the chart, and this search process can continue indefinitely.

If the former musician given move charts Kalthrkat in the musical scale, it is impossible to compose a melody through a random drawing and move, especially if it was in the days of FED's announcement of quantitative easing. Likewise, the belief that there is a consistent approach to learn trade Kalnahj in learning science Other wrong.

Maybe it was better to discuss what kind of personal that makes the person a merchant? I recall a conversation on the "San Horses" If I may express, a retired banker who is responsible for a team of traders:

"I ignore the background when contracting with merchants. I care more about whether they were stubborn and whether their personality characteristics allow them to be responsible, disciplined, Rhiqin, focused. In fact, the only activity that will teach anyone how to manage the trade is to know how to manage himself. Although some of the backgrounds will be more useful than others, such as poker, but in the end we conclude it's natural ability and personal is what makes a good trader, but not the background or qualifications. "

The education also ignored by saying,

"Current Work and hierarchical social system is not conducive to the merchant mentality, has been fine-tuned to produce workers. Van who have not yet graduated from educational institutions are more likely to profit from the merchant coming from the background of random and non-typical. I imagine that those on average more intelligent, but the relationship between levels of educational attainment, intelligence is not as our culture trying to force you to believe. Our educational system can reduce our ability indirectly. "

There is a story about the great Muhammad Ali is still stuck in my mind for years, and being a father of three children, I still I say to my children often. My daughter Leonie in the UK and my eldest son has a high potential for achievement, they work in the kitchen functions is their first experience in the labor market.

Difficult to determine the exact quote, but a summary of talk that it is not important what I had done if I was not a boxer, what is important is to be the greatest. He pointed to the garbage trucks on the streets of America, Lu said as much to him to be a man cleaner to work hard to be the best man cleaner. I tell this story to my children for their assertion that every action, no matter how kind you can find yourself in it and you can Thtervh and make others proud of you, and you are on the right path and use all your abilities.

These quotations craft coming, refer to clarify what is required of personality traits to make a successful merchant, which is much more important than education qualifications, background or previous profession:

"Only a man who knew the meaning of defeat, to arrive quickly to the bottom of his soul and come out extra energy to win the game."

"The heroes did not make a gyms. But they are made of effecting things in their hearts, a desire, a dream, a vision. They have the skill and the will. But the will is stronger than the skill. "

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