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Sunday, June 9, 2013

SEC Guide For Lazy trader

When we say that that person is lazy, the first thing that comes to mind someone sitting at home and watching TV on the couch with a bag of potato chips in one hand and some soft drinks in the other hand, and the last thing we expect from the Lazy man is a success and wealth, in the fact that our perception the lazy poor man

But the question lies in the following: Is it possible to be a good thing laziness? It is true that there are people who suffer from the whims of fitness but we can not circulate laziness in all areas of their lives, it may be the person being lazy in things but becomes active in other areas as areas of investment, finance and business, and this is perfectly normal, but the strike big is when more than laziness the chance of success in your investment, and this is not a figment of the imagination, but there are not facts on the ground prove this to say. That the merchant Lazy enjoys from other traders terrible ability to relax and calm nerves not unprecedented, and these two are the most important things that must be met in order to succeed in the merchant trade in the stock markets.

Laziness and Exchange

 That of traders who do not bother to analyze the stock market or watching maps all the time, they are confident that they can not change the market or control it, they put the stop loss and accrue earnings at certain levels, and return to their trade in the next morning.

Laziness and Exchange

 One of the main features that are owned by the merchant Lazy in the stock market are the four basic features: unlimited ability to relax, to get rid of anxiety in all its forms, get their bodies full comfort, the ability to overcome past losses very easily. The people look to the holder of these qualities as being lazy, but actually acknowledges that these qualities give the owner the ability to continue to trade, and increase the likelihood of collection of profits in the stock market.

But it is worth noting that laziness in the stock market also has consequences, there is the risk that the author suffers from a syndrome indifference to anything, and then you will immediately lose his investment, that activity is also essential is the one who gives you the incentive to persevere and try not to surrender. The activity gives vital to your life and luster of misses Lazy.

Success in trade in the stock market does not come up prices throughout the day and night, that the human body needs to sleep in order to increase the focus, no matter followed and predicted, will not have the ability to anticipate market price 100% because there is no any person has the ability to read the unseen, and in eventually you have to go in the Middle things.

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