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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Personality traits of successful dealer

In fact, psychologists have glimpses of personality and way of thinking of many groups in the community, such as police officers, pilots, firefighters, employees and workers. So can they know the personality traits dominant for all groups according to their work, as it must affect the work of man on his character and this is normal, and has been proving through tests self-record, where scientists have found that there are common traits acquired acquired by a person through his work and be shared with personality personal information to other people engaged in the same work, but what is the function that gives its owner the features necessary to trade in the Forex market? Or rather what is the personality traits necessary merchant presence in order to be able to trade in the Forex market.

Of these features include:


The most successful traders are those extroverts traders on new ideas, and others for their ideas fanatics, and those who do not shut their minds about other ideas if there is proof of its effectiveness significantly large. Thus, the reception of new ideas to help them to develop and improve what they know about the market and can thus promising to try out ideas in this market, you may return them to the many profits. Can chapter in this regard between the two types of qualities opposing Kalantoaúah and openness, it is true that trade is an activity confinement but openness to others and communicate with them leads to the exchange of ideas, information, and this would improve the way you think and save you from isolation and point of view narrow that may carry with you to your business


Dealer conscience, here is a Angsd word conscience that feeling of guilt when committing mistakes, but we mean to give the trade the right of hard work Traders successful take their jobs seriously, so as not to oppress their trade and their personal lives so you have to realize that when you give the trade of your time and effort it will give you the money, and thus give it in order to give you. And you have to Thvaz on a regular schedule recorded by all the events and activities.

Ready to help

The most successful traders are those who are willing to share their knowledge and skills with others to help them improve. Many successful traders have become trainers for other traders to help them achieve success, they are sure that some trainees may not be possible for them to be successful traders, but they know that the result may lead to make a real difference to some.


These can attribute to be suitable in other professions, but can not not in any way that this will be the theme suitable for traders, especially in the forex market, the positive outlook or optimism is one of the most important things that should be available in all matters of life, particularly in the area of ​​trade .

In the end, this does not mean that people who do not have these features listed can not become successful Forex traders. The motivation and stimulation and reinforcement are helping to develop techniques to overcome all the ideal qualities of others.

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